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Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Tetanus

Tetanus Is a disease caused by bacteria generally found on dirty and rusty objects, in the ground or in animal excrement. Causes:  Wounds made with dirty objects or animal bites thorn or nail puncture wounds, rusty metals, etc. Symtoms:   The body arches up The nape of neck becomes rigid One cannot open the mouth ( lockjaw ) Abdominal Back and face muscles get tense Erratic pulse and fever Contraction of the muscles in the pharynx and chest my produce asphyxiation. Suggested treatment:  If the wound is made by metal object which was not sterilized, or an animal bite, do not neglect it. Since Tetanus is a bacteria, the first thing you should do is: Wash the the wound well with aloe vera soap because of its antiseptic properties, apply plenty of bee propolis with aloe vera cream, the first aid mix or aloe vera gelatin.  It is also necessary to take bee propolis. Warning! Tetanus may be fatal if it is not taken care of immedi...
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Simple Secrets to Totally Removing Your Skin Infections

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Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About BUlimia

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The Ultimate Guide to Eradicate Body And Foot Odor

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