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Showing posts from August 7, 2018

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Tetanus

Tetanus Is a disease caused by bacteria generally found on dirty and rusty objects, in the ground or in animal excrement. Causes:  Wounds made with dirty objects or animal bites thorn or nail puncture wounds, rusty metals, etc. Symtoms:   The body arches up The nape of neck becomes rigid One cannot open the mouth ( lockjaw ) Abdominal Back and face muscles get tense Erratic pulse and fever Contraction of the muscles in the pharynx and chest my produce asphyxiation. Suggested treatment:  If the wound is made by metal object which was not sterilized, or an animal bite, do not neglect it. Since Tetanus is a bacteria, the first thing you should do is: Wash the the wound well with aloe vera soap because of its antiseptic properties, apply plenty of bee propolis with aloe vera cream, the first aid mix or aloe vera gelatin.  It is also necessary to take bee propolis. Warning! Tetanus may be fatal if it is not taken care of immedi...

Simple Secrets to Totally Removing Your Skin Infections

Skin Infections The presence of virus, bacteria and fugus on the skin which normally produce an accumulation of pus is called infection. Causes:  By contagion, by a neglected would, or by scratching an insect bite. They are also produced by fungus or bacteria, such as staphylococcus, or a virus. Symptoms: Irritation Inflammation Rash Spots or blister with pus Suggested treatment: Take propolis or natural antibiotic like garlic. In addition to this rub a propolis based ointment and/or aloe vera on the area.

Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About BUlimia

Bulimia:  It is a psychological illness where a person forces him/herself to throw up food they have eaten. It is common on people who are worried about being overweight, want to become thin and have accustomed themselves to throwing up after eating. The known cause:  are psychological in origin, normally occurring in weight conscious people who want to become thin. The symptoms  of this illness are: Great hunger The desire to eat many times during the day Self-justification by vomiting after each meal. This then produces the hunger again Suggestion treatment: These people need psychological helps, since generally they are people obsessed with not being fat. Warning! If you have gotten os thin that your hair is falling out or have gotten anemia, consult your physician.

The Ultimate Guide to Eradicate Body And Foot Odor

Body odor Unbearable body odor mainly from ampits and feet. It is characterized by perspiration and bad odor. Causes: the occurrence of perspiration woth bacteria causes an odor, in addition to some secreted substances which come from food such as meat, garlic, fish etc. Suggested treatment:  Since aloe vera is one of the best known natural bactericides, it is recommended to shower daily using aloe vera liquid bath soap in addition to an aloe vera odorless deodorant. If you don't have a deodorant on hand, aloe vera extract may be temporarilly used. Both kill the bacteria which produce unpleasant odor. It is recommended to consume vegetables and fruits and less red meat. Foot odor. To deodorize shoes, sprinkle a little bit of baking soda in them. Try to wear xotton socks instead of synthetic socks ones made of synthetic fibers. Be sure ro change them everyday.

The 4 Scariest Things About Sciatica

Sciatica:  It is a pain which starts in the lower back and runs along the sciatic nerve through one or both legs. It is the longest nerve in the body. The causes are: Trauma Hernia A ruptured or slipped disc in the lumbar vertebrae The coccyx (at the base of the spinal column). Symptoms:  A shooting pain or spasm in the lower back and along the sciatic nerve that runs from the hip through the thigh to the ankle. Suggested treatment is:   Application of hot water and later cold (ice) on the lower back and on the leg. Rest Stretching: sit on a bed or chair, carefully lower your head towards your knees 25 to 20 times, using your hands to help you straighten up Afterwards, massage hot aloe lotion with eucayptus into the sore area In addition take vitamines B1, B12 & E Attention!  You should see a licensed chiropractor since the problem could be your vertebral column.

The Ugly Truth About Allergic Dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is a reaction of the skin to certain substances, plants or products. Often it is confused with nervous dermatitis which is caused by nervousness, strees, etc. It appesrs as  an irritation with itching and sometimes with watery secretions on different parts of the skin and changes in colour mainly around the eyes, ears, arms, neck and the groin. Causes:  this allergy can be caused by Foods Plants  Household dust  Cosmetics Perfumes Hair spray Deodorants or by contact with metals such as Gold, Silver or Nickel. Often confused with nervous dermatitis which is caused by nervousness, stress, etc. suggested treatment It is suggested to investigate what produce the ellergy stress, nervousness emotional. Problems have a lot of influence on this illness.  In either case, whether nervous or allergic dermatitis, it is suggested to drink the same nutrients, the most important being hypoallergenic aloe vera. Drink alo...

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever: An infectious and epidemic disease which affects mainly children. Symptoms : Sudden appearance of high temperature, sore throat (similar to tonsillitis) and vomoting. A rash appears during the first two days composed of big red sporr with dark dots. The rash starts on the chest and then spreads to the rest of the body. Causes:  Contagion. This is a very contagious disease during the two weeks that the rash is present. Suggested treatment This disease can be combated throufh natural antibiotics like bee propolis , lost of liquid and rest. Symptoms can be relieved by a mix of aloe vera gelantin and extract (or speparately if both are not available) applied on the rash.

Stats About Animia You Did Not Know About

Anemia (hematic insufficiency)  is the lack of oxygenated blood in the body. Causes: Anemia is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. The main cause is a lack of iron (main component of hemoglobin) in the blood. A shortage of proteins, folic acid, Vits. B6, B12 & C are other causes of anemia. The symptoms are: Paleness of the skin Paleness of the eyelids Paleness of the lips Palenessnof the fingernails due to lack of iron Paleness of the gums Brittle hair Increased respiration The best suggested treatment to help combat anemia is: A balance diet, eating healthy foods especially those that contain a high amount of iron.  Some recommendations: Lentil soup, spinach, egg yolks, dried prunes, broccoli, turnips and whole grains (with hulls). Warning! If the anemic condition persist, especially in the case of a pregnant women, consult your physician.

Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About Bleeding Gums

"Periodontitis, "Gingivitis" A frequent problem known as "Gingivitis" or "Periodontitis" causes swelling of the gums and of the bone supporting the teeth. If this continues it can cause what is called Pyorrhoea which is characterzed by strong inflammation and pus, resulting in tooth loss. Causes:  Food and bacteria caught between gums and teeth, smoking, breathing through the mouth and lack of oral hygiene. Symptoms:   Pain and discomfort of the gums Loss of teeth and white Bleeding gums Suggested treatment it is recommends rubbing gumsbwith a brush containing some drops of Aloe vera activator or aloe vera gelatin which will make gums harder and more resistance to breeding. Brush teeth daily with aloe vera and propolis toothpaste and massage the gums. Note:  In addition to rubbing the gums with a brush containing a few drops of extract or aloe vera, it is a good idea to rinse the mouth with aloe vera activator extract, keepin...

Sage Advice About Halitosis That Did Not Know

Bad Breath Halitosis is an unpleasant smell of breath and mouth. Causes:  This may be causes by a lack off oral hygiene, an incorrect diet, infections in the throat, nose, gums or because of excessive smoking or drinking. In some cases diabetes causes this problem, as well as the presence of some poison in the body like lead, arsenic or methane. Most of the time bad breath is due to bad digestion which causes putrefied material to remain in the stomach, this in turn produces gas which is expelled through the breath. Suggested treatment In addition to daily oral hygiene the following is recommended; Fast for 1 to 3 days on orange juice with aloe vera juice, at the same time taking a soft laxative - the intake of yogurt improves the intestine flora. If you feel that your mouth odor is strong, consult your dentis. Thyme and chlorophyll are excellent for digestion and good breath.

Your Worst Nightmare About Flu And Cold Come to Life

The flu is a disorder caused by virus. This virus is most frequently found in the respiratory ducts, even though it may also be located in other parts of the body, like the muscles, causing pains and cramps, (rheumatic fever). It is evidenced by body discormfort and headache, breathing difficulty, fever, weepi g eyes, nasal blockage, sneezing, aching body and a desire to lie down and rest. The most common cause:   Is by contagion, nerbertheless, stress weakens the immune system and the person becomes easy pray for the flu virus. Suggested treatment  The flu is produced by a virus which is hard to fight. Nervertheless, the body will fight it through the Immune System, which is why it is important to keep this 8n good condition. One way to stimulate the immune system is to take bee propolis , (propoles) and galic and/or Echinacea, in addition to vitamins C and A and Zinc. Important: Drink alot of water. Warning! Th flu is normally found in the upper part o...

The Things Everyone Hates About Abscess

A n abscess is the accumulation of pus in a given part of the body, whether internal or external. It frequently occurs in the gums. Causes:  The most common cause is infection produced by bacteria, viruses, and fungi which enters the body through an injury or by means of direct contact with the contagion. Symptoms: The most common sysmptoms are: Fever Irritation Inflammation and pain Abscesses can form in any part of the body: The skin The brain The arms The gums The teeth The stomach linning The ear or the kidneys. The type of problem caused depends on where the abscess is located. Suggested treatment:  In some cases, a operation is required to open the abscess in order to drain the pus that has accumulated. However, most of the time it can be eliminated with some natural antibiotic like bee propolis or garlic. Applying ice to the affected area eases the discomfort and lowers inflammation. It is vital to strengthen the immune system.

How to Solve Issues With Vaginities

Vaginities is an infection in the vagina. Causes: This viginal irritation or infection occurs more frequently in pregnant women, women with diabetes or women who use a disphragm or birth control pills. Another important cause is lack of hygiene. Symptoms: Irritation Pain Burning White or Yellow in colour Excessive discarged of vagina fluid Suggested treatment: Rest Take bee propolis and garlic  Maintain meticulous personal hygiene  Take vitamin A and aloe vera to help against irritation.

Getting Tired of Chickenpox? 2 Sources of Treatment That'll Eradicate It for You

Chickenpox is a disease and is produced by a virus. This is a minor illness. Symptoms:  An itching occurs with the presence of red pimples which burst and causes ulcers or scabs. These appear on the body and later on the face, arms and legs. Causes: Are by contagious contact with others. Symptoms appear 2 or 3 weeks after contact. Suggested treatment: It generally disappears by itself, however, it is recommended to apply Aloe Vera activator extract or Aloe Vera gelatin on each blister. This eliminate itching and helps healing. It is also recommended to take bee Propolis and garlic to strengthen the immune system and eliminate infections.